Get Involved

There are lots of ways for you to get involved:


At MCF-A we believe prayer is vital. Prayer is the fuel which sustains ministry. If you would like to see the work of Christian workers of all types enriched and expanded then please download and pray using the weekly MCF Prayer Calendar. MCF Prayer Calendar Mar 25  (MCF Prayer Calendar Feb 25)

If you need prayer, please contact the MCF Prayer Coordinator, via the MCF Office.

If prayer is your gifting then become an MCF Prayer Warrior by contacting the MCF Prayer Coord and registering for prayer emails. To maintain our spiritual integrity and for privacy reasons only MCF members can become Prayer Warriors. You may also want to consider becoming one of our MCF Centurions, who commit to praying for God’s Kingdom in Defence.

If you would like the MCF Prayer Warriors to pray for you, or someone you know, contact the MCF National Administrator.

The MCF Prayer

Heavenly Father, We thank you that the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. Bless the service men and women of all nations, and grant that we who know the joy of being all one in Christ Jesus may be filled with your love and pass it on to others through the power of the Holy Spirit until His coming again. Amen.

Meet up

If you would like to meet up with others at your Defence Base, ship, unit or establishment for discussions over the Bible we would love to assist. A group may already be meeting where you are. Check out our Small Groups page.
If there is no group do still contact our MCF Office and we may have other members who are there who might be keen to meet up.
Finally if God has put it on your heart to meet to encourage people where you work then please consider if you might sign on as an MCF Area Representative. It would be great to partner with you in this.

Become an Area Rep

Information on being a MCF-A Representative

An MCF-A Representative, while not necessarily an ‘elder’ in a Christian denominational sense, does have a leadership and representational role and therefore should seek to live according to the spirit of 1 Timothy 3:1-12 and Titus 1:5-9. Any MCF member who in general possesses the following attributes and seeks to fulfil the expectations, may be an MCF-A Rep.

Attributes sought include:

a. being a student of God’s word who loves to bring people to Christ and to help them grow up in Him.
b. being hospitable.
c. having a love and concern for people as God has.
d. having a good reputation with outsiders with respect to personal life and military duties.
e. relating warmly and wisely to the Chaplains and their ministry.
f. being willing to serve others.

MCF-A Reps are expected to:
a. be a point of contact for information and literature for MCF
b. maintain contact with other MCF members in the area and with the National MCF leadership via the MCF Administrator
c. support the MCF ministry spiritually, socially and financially as able
d. encourage others to join MCF and take opportunities to raise the profile of MCF as appropriate
e. provide a brief report on activities and items of interest at least twice a year. Perhaps post National Day of prayer for Defence held around April and before the AGM held in the 1st week of Nov.

Other Activities:
MCF-A Reps should attempt to undertake the following as their gifts, abilities and the specific situation allow:
a. Organise and, preferably, lead a regular MCF meeting (may be weekly, monthly, etc) in their workplace. Such meetings may be for Bible study, prayer and/or evangelism, and should attempt to relate our Christian faith to the military context
b. Assist in liaison and organising visits by the Administrator and others
c. When posting elsewhere or finishing up will seek to find someone suitable to pass on the group leadership (providing guidance as needed) so there can be continuity for the MCF group.

Further Area Reps Information

MCF Area Representative

Application to become a MCF Rep
  • Please provide the name and contact of someone who will be able to vouch for your character (Email preferred)
  • I will seek to perform the duties of an MCF-A Representative in such a way as to advance the cause of Christ.

Support Military Members and their families

MCF-A would love to assist as we are able to help churches, other groups and individuals support our ADF members and their families.

Defence Family Needs and Church Responses Chaplain Mark Willis

Do get in contact if you would like to find out more about supporting those in and around Defence.

02 6212 1580

[email protected]