About Us

About MCF

The Military Christian Fellowship of Australia (MCF-A or MCF) is an interdenominational Christian fellowship of all ranks from all services and civilians who seek to promote Christian faith in the ADF. Our mission is to promote Christian faith in Defence by;

  • Being a disciple for Christ,
  • Encouraging, supporting and developing Christians in Defence, and
  • Actively supporting the ministry of Christian ADF Chaplains.

We help members live effectively as Christians in Defence, by providing support to;

  • Local area groups,
  • Deployed members,
  • All ADF Chaplains, and
  • Other Christian Military Ministries.

Some of the things MCF offers are:

  • A Christian faith based network of groups and individuals across Australia,
  • Promotion of Prayer for Defence
  • MCF seminars with engaging speakers and topics relevant to the life of faith in Defence,
  • Production of resources such as Crossfire Magazine
  • Connection with other Christian ministries through assisting with the Defence Christians’ Dinners and more….

MCF-AFlyer2023   (Please print and pass on to others who may be interested)

Connect with a Small Group

The Military Christian fellowship consists of essentially small groups in ships, units & local areas, meeting together for the purpose of prayer and bible reading, and supporting each other.  Groups may meet in many different formats and locations. MCF groups are strongly urged to support and assist local Christian Chaplains.

There is a network of MCF groups at many Defence establishments. Click here to find an MCF group near you!


We are proud of our service to the ADF and Defence in general. Please read our history here.

You can also purchase a personal history of MCF-A by Russell Bielenberg. For more info or to purchase, click the above ‘read our history’ link.


The Military Christian Fellowship is linked with the Association of Military Christian Fellowships (AMCF) which has advantages for our service persons located overseas or for visiting ships, as well as in the provision of worldwide prayer support. The AMCF is a global community with member groups in over 100 nations.

If you’re part of MCF-A and am interested in being a leader in MCF-A in the future you may like to attend the World Conference in Brazil in 2024. To find out more click this link AMCF WCon24 and email [email protected] to find out how to submit your expression of interest.

MCF-A AGM Minutes

Please find the latest Military Christian Fellowship of Australia Annual General Meeting minutes here: 2023 AGM Minutes and 2022 AGM Minutes  (please contact the MCF Office if you would like a more detailed edition of the AGM Minutes)

Toward 2025

In 2022 the MCF-A Exec, lead by the Chair, wanted to build on the strategic plan already in place called Operation FRUITFUL TREE 2015 – 2019 (updated 06 Nov 14). (Many concepts are still current or can still be used.) Toward 2025 is a continually updated short outline of possible further goals for MCF-A to work toward for the next few years. These thoughts are from the MCF-A Chair in consultation with the MCF-A Exec and Council, but are without being endorsed by the wider membership in a formal manner. Toward 2025 was written to help MCF-A continue to be building on what has gone before, to continue to grow and to look at how to do things better, and to expand on what works well. MCF-A belongs to and is driven by its members and member input, vision and participation is vital to keep growing MCF-A and God’s Kingdom in the Australian Defence Organisation.

Toward 2025 doc: MCF Toward 2025 – Final doc – updated March 2022

All comments on Toward 2025 can be made via: [email protected]


MCF Leadership

MCF is a predominately lay lead grass roots fellowship, with an administrator, national council and executive committee to oversight, assist, support and encourage small groups around Australia.

MCF Constitution 2020

MCF Council Membership​

MAJGEN Sue Graham, CSC (bio 2021) MCF-A Patron
  CHAP Stephen (Steve)
Neuhaus RFD (bio 2021)
MCF-A Chair

(WO2- Ret’d)

Darren Thomas (bio 2022) MCF-A Vice Chair
Please contact –  [email protected]

for Treasurer details

Mr David Coleman Secretary
  PCHA Andrew Lewis Chaplains’ Rep
LACW Dinusha Perera MCF-A Members’ Rep –

with focus on ADF Civilians and families

AC Quan Tran


MCF-A Members’ Rep –

with focus on ADF Members and families

Mr (MAJ -Ret’d) Geoffrey (Geoff) Robertson MCF-A Members’ Rep –

with focus on ADF Veterans and families

MCF-A Staff

Mrs Julie Jaensch MCF-A National Administrator/Staff Worker

Ministry Support

Dr Daniel Solomon MCF-A Prayer Coordinator
Mr David Coleman Crossfire Magazine Editor


Currently vacant

To nominate contact [email protected]




MCF-A Deployment Coordinator
Currently vacant – contact [email protected] to nominate Support to Chaplain Rep









Tracey Thomas


currently vacant – contact [email protected] for info or to nominate



Catherine (Cath) Neuhaus

Support to Member Reps with focus on –

ADF Civilians and families


ADF Veterans and families



ADF Members and families

  Mr Paul Sheehan Special Projects
Mr Jono Thow Webmaster

If you would like to get in contact with one of the council members, look us up on the DRN Corporate Directory or contact the MCF Office [email protected]

MCF Membership

MCF does not exist merely to support it’s members, but rather all Christians in the ADO. But like any organisation, members are involved in the decision-making, administration, and support of MCF.

Membership is free and it connects you with a network of Christians across Australia, gives you access to MCF resources, a say in the leadership and direction of the Fellowship, and access to further ministry within the ADO such as becoming an MCF Centurion, an MCF Prayer Warrior, or Area Rep. So, if you are interested in doing more to promote Christian faith in the ADO through MCF then become a member.

MCF is interdenominational in character, and a personal commitment to Jesus Christ who is Lord and Saviour of all is the essential qualification for membership of MCF.

Ordinary Membership is open to the following people:

  1. members and ex-members of the ADF, and their spouses;
  2. accredited representatives of philanthropic organisations who are closely associated with the ADF;
  3. civilians who are currently working alongside ADF personnel, or who did so in the past for a period of at least one year; and
  4. members and ex-members of the armed forces of foreign countries who are currently residing in Australia.

Applicants may become Ordinary Members by agreeing to the MCF statement of belief.

Associate Membership is open to all other persons who express an interest in MCF and agree to the statement of belief. Associate Members will be included on the same mailing list and receive the same MCF literature as Ordinary Members and are welcome at MCF events. However, Associate Members will not be able to vote at the AGM and cannot be elected to the National Council.

You may also be interested in checking out the MCF Constitution.

Centurion Program

“I tell you the truth; I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” These were the words that Jesus used to describe the Centurion in Capernaum. Imagine that; a military Christian getting such a rap from the Son of God. The bible tells us only a little about this man in Luke’s gospel, Chapter 7. We do know he cared for his men, loved and served his nation, was generous in supporting his local ministry, was humble, was decisive, and had a very simple but rock-steady faith. Why aren’t we all like this Christian? Why is he so rare?

The ADO needs Christians like this Centurion. MCF needs members like this Centurion, who are willing to support MCF-A with prayer, finance, and faith. We need members who are willing to go beyond just reading about military Christianity in Cross Fire. We need members who want to see MCF impact the ADO for Christ. We need members who are so led by the Lord to achieve our mission and objectives that they will partner with Council in providing prayer, encouragement, regular financial support, and rock-like faith.

The MCF Centurion program aims to have 100+ MCF-A members who are Centurions.

An MCF Centurion:

  1. Commits to pray using MCF’s weekly prayer calendar; rain, hail, shine, or deployment.
  2. Commits to give at least $10, $20 $50 or $100 each fortnight or yearly equivalent, either through allotments, bank transfer or annual lump sum, to MCF. (Tax Deductable) The donation button on the MCF homepage has more info and account number etc on the right hand side of the donate page along with credit card facilities. Don’t forget to fill in the Centurion form below and return to the MCF Office.
  3. Agrees to promote MCF by displaying MCF advertising in their local Defence Installation and church.

The Centurion program has been revamped in 2024. You are very welcome to ‘Become a Centurion today!’ via the form below or contact the MCF Office – [email protected]

Want to be one of our Hundred? Become a Centurion today!

Statement of Belief

MCF is a non-denominational, Australian Taxation Office registered charity (ABN 47 812 823 572) that operates within the ADO. MCF has no specific theology nor does it subscribe to any specific doctrine, except that specified in the Bible. In order to achieve unity and avoid confusion with non-Christian groups MCF members agree to the following statement of faith (which is based upon the Nicene Creed, arguably the most agreed doctrinal statement of faith in the history of the Christian church).

I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us all and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was incarnate of the virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. I believe that all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives.