Hard Questions Study Series
The MCF Hard Questions Study series, a series of studies specifically designed for military Christians in the ADF to discover what God has to say about those “hard questions” of killing, drinking, swearing, and living a Christian life in the military.
Each Study is stand alone, or can be done in sequence (16 weeks if you meet once/week)
Can you be a Christian in the Military?
If the Bible says it is wrong to murder, can you still be part of an organisation that must at times use ultimate violence? Download the ‘Christian in the Military’ 2 week study here.
Does God want Christians to be Successful Soldiers?
Many Christians believe that their faith and their work are not linked, that they are somehow separated into different compartments of their life. In this two-part topic we look at well known and successful military figures from the Bible and ask ourselves: does God want us to be successful as soldiers in His service? Download the ‘Successful Soldiers’ 4 week study here.
It’s just a few beers…
It’s just a few beers…The ADF has a culture of work hard, play hard, so can military Christians drink with their mates? download hereDoes God want Christians to be Successful Soldiers? Download the ‘It’s just a few beers’ 2 week study here.
Can we talk about our faith in the workplace or is it a God-free zone?
Bible-bashers! The ADF hates „em, right? Yet no-one seems to mind ANZAC Day dawn services singing “Abide with Me”, or lowering their heads when the Padre prays, or even being intrigued about the history of the Holy Land when it is right under their boots. So is the ADF really God-free or it target-rich with needy people? Download the ‘faith in the workplace’ 2 week study here.
How best can we tell others in the ADF about Christ?
How many times have we been asked “what’s your story” but have been unprepared to answer? And then later you think of all the things you should have said? Every Christian has a compelling witness to the miracle of salvation – their own story. Download the ‘tell others about Christ’ 2 week study here.
How should military Christians relate to people of other faiths in the ADF?
We have previously examined how we should relate to people of no faith at all. Now we tackle the question of people who practice a non-Christian religion. The Bible teaches zero tolerance of other faiths. The ADF requires total acceptance of other faiths. How do we reconcile the two? This study compares the ADF policy on religious freedom and compares it to God’s expectation of us. Download the relating to other faiths’ 2 week study here.
It doesn’t really matter if military Christians swear does it?
We hear it every day in every workplace in the ADF. Sometimes it is a just a constant stream, that we hardly even notice anymore. Four letter words are as part of the Aussie soldier’s vocabulary as four letter acronyms. As long as you aren’t directing them as people, it doesn’t really matter does it? This study looks at the ADF’s policy towards swearing, and compares it to how the Bible says Christians should behave with their words. Download the ‘Christian swearing’ 2 week study here.