National Day of Prayer for Defence 2025
All who have a heart to pray for Defence are welcome to join in praying together. Groups will be meeting all across Australia on or around 24th May 2025. Please get your MCF-A Small Group, Church, School, Bible Study group etc involved and uplift the Australian Defence Force in prayer. All welcome and you don’t need to be in Defence to be involved.
You are welcome to organise a time of prayer, and MCF-A would love to know about it. Remember to include your contact person with email address, event date, location and time.
Please email info (or ask questions): [email protected]
Free Downloads:
Booklet: Defence National Prayer-booklet-2025 (can be adapted for your local area)
VIDEO: MCF-A Prayer Event Invite (you are welcome to use this video to promote and get others involved in the National Day of Prayer for Defence)
Planned Prayer Gatherings
ACT and surrounds
All welcome to St John’s Anglican Church Reid, 24th May 2025 – Prayer in the Church from 11am-12noon followed by a free family sausage sizzle with games for the kids. The Old School House Museum will be open for viewing. Everyone is most welcome to attend prayers and/or the family event. Email [email protected] for more details. No RSVP required.
RAAF Williamtown – 24th May, 2025. Time and location to be confirmed. Family/Welcome event included. Email: [email protected] for more details. (Check back in mid April for updates)