Christmas/2023 New Year Challange

Christmas/2023 New Year Challange

By MCF_Admin

IMAGINE if we had the opportunity to invite people of all races and languages to come and see the story of the Most Significant Person in History.

They could view his story in 2,000 different languages,  they could hear his story on over 6,000 languages.

Maybe we could just send this attachment out to anyone we know who lives in Australia, or in another part of the world.


LINK: Most Significant Person & The Christian Connection-A5 size

Maybe even on Facebook? Or maybe do nothing?

May the Lord guide you as to what He would want you to do.

Every blessing during this Festive Season.


(There is no copyright on the A5 doc, so feel free to share it far and wide)

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office: 02 9966 9596

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