The new full ADF Bible is here!

The new full ADF Bible is here!

By MCF_Admin

MCF-A was excited to be invited to the launch of the new NIV ADF full Bible at Russell Offices on 13th March, 2025 and was represented by various members, Exec and the Staff Worker. It was great other representatives and leads from the Forum of Christian Military Ministries, Chaplains, Bible Society Australia, and other Defence Christians were able to be in attendance.

The Bible was launched by MAJGEN Sue Graham, representing CDF. MAJGEN Graham is also the current MCF-A Patron and has been a member of MCF-A since joining Defence many years ago. She has always appreciated having a Defence specific Bible and other Christian Defence specific material available.

PRINCHAP Kerry Larwill (who is the current MCF-A Chaplain Rep) gave an overview of Bible Society Australia and Bibles in Defence, from the Bibles arriving with the first fleet, the Boer War and through to more recent campaigns. Bibles from the Boer War through to Afghanistan were on display with only a couple of campaigns missing. (If you know someone willing to donate/loan their Sth Korean War ADF Bible to Bible Society, please get in touch with MCF.)

Tina King from Bible Society Australia said a few words and made note of the huge effort by many, many people to pull this Bible together, especially with the extra material to help Christians and non-Christians be able to use this Bible more fully. Some content includes Christian Response to the Defence Values, Service and other Prayers, glossary and maps, and much more.

The forward is by former Governor General of Australia (and former MCF-A Patron) GEN (retd) David Hurley.

To get your own copy of this Bible you must be a current member of Defence (MCF and others are working on having this expanded in the future to include past members and immediate family) and it should be available via your local ADF Chaplain or MCF Rep. Contact the MCF office if they don’t know how to get some copies to your place of work.

Grab a copy for yourself and hand one on to a colleague!

PHOTO: SCHA Thorburn (Rep DGCHAP-N) Tina King BSA, MAJGEN Graham (Rep CDF), Chris Melville BSA, DGCHAP-A PRINCHAP Larwill, CHAP Williams (Rep DGCHAP-AF) – used with permission


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