Connected through music

Connected through music

By MCF_Admin

Chaplain Tom Killingbeck likes connecting people with God through music.

Tom is an Anglican Air Force Chaplain, currently serving in Butterworth Malaysia. Ever since the first Covid lock downs, Tom has contributed to an online Australian Air Force Chapel service.

“It’s been a real privilege to help people connect with God through this music, especially during lockdowns and restrictions around the world.” said Tom.

Now a separate worship song play list is available with Tom singing the songs that feature in the online chapel service. And new songs will be added each week. We invite you to subscribe to the channels.

The Australian Air Force online Chapel service began during the first series of Covid lockdowns with the aim of supporting the wider Air Force Family through access to worship, and encouraging devotionals. Chaplains from all denominations represented by the Air Force Chaplain Branch regularly participate in the production of the service.

The music and Christian Chapel Service links can be found here

Thanks to Chaplain K Russell and Defence Anglicans for giving permission to reproduce this info. You can sign up for their eNews via the link above.

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