FCMM Standing Ready to Serve in Challenging Times

FCMM Standing Ready to Serve in Challenging Times

By MCF_Admin

As the ADF is reflects on the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide’s report, it was timely that Everyman’s had its turn to host the Forum of Christian Ministries Military (FCMM) meeting, in Wodonga Victoria, 5 September.

Each of the organisations represented are Christian faith based, but will serve and minister to any ADF members irrespective of their background or belief. The organisations represented this year were Everyman’s, Military Christian Fellowship, Red Shield Defence Services, Focus ministries, Navigators, and Solid Rock. We also acknowledge the Bible Society of Australia who was not able to be present this year, but brings immense value to the FCMM with its expertise and resources. The Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching and Service (ACCTS) was also an apology for this year’s meeting.

ADF Chaplains stand outside the FCMM, as we are an association of civilian organisations serving Defence, each ministry works alongside the ADF Chaplains on the bases where we operate. At each FCMM, one of the Director Generals of ADF Chaplaincy visits and gives a report on how Chaplaincy is currently situated. This year the DG Chaplain, Army spoke. The need for the FCMM and its associated ministries is becoming ever more acute within the ADF. He noted the fact that the FCMM organisation’s complementary role to the Chaplaincy was increasingly recognised and sought after.

CCOMM Ken of Everyman’s shared how each member of the FCMM is different in the welfare and support they offer to the ADF. Like the old colonial buildings made up of many river rocks all of different shapes, the FCMM together, forms a “building” of welfare and refuge into which any ADF members can enter. As with Chaplaincy, it is difficult for the FCMM to quantify numerically the value they hold to the ADF as our support and counsel is done confidentially person-to-person. But there is no doubt lives have been changed, even saved, because of the encouragement and strength the FCMM member organisations have given to ADF members and their families over many years.

In the wake of the Royal Commission, the FCMM stands ready to do whatever they can to assist in reaching out to any who are distressed and looking for hope. Please take the time to look into each of the ministries of the FCMM to appreciate the essential work each one does for Defence.

(An extract from a report by CCOMM K Matthews)








FCMM 2024 attendees
Back row: S Bouzanquet (Coordinator Solid Rock Ministries), T Bielenberg (Ministry Lead Navigators Ministry), P Ritchie (Ministry Lead Focus Military Ministry)

Front Row: B Gallagher (Chief Commissioner Red Shield Defence Services), K Matthews (Chief Commissioner Everyman’s Welfare Service), D Coleman (Secretary Military Christian Fellowship Australia) not physically present but Zoomed into the meeting, J Jaensch (National Staff Worker/Administrator Military Christian Fellowship Australia)

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