MCF Leadership

MCF is a predominately lay lead grass roots fellowship, with an administrator, national council and executive committee to oversight, assist, support and encourage small groups around Australia.

MCF Constitution 2020

MCF Council Membership​

MAJGEN Sue Graham, CSC (bio 2021) MCF-A Patron
  CHAP Stephen (Steve)
Neuhaus RFD (bio 2021)
MCF-A Chair

(WO2- Ret’d)

Darren Thomas (bio 2022) MCF-A Vice Chair



Please contact –  [email protected] for Treasurer details

Mr David Coleman Secretary
  PRINCHAP Kerry Larwill, CSC Chaplains’ Rep
WO2 Martin Fisher MCF-A Members’ Rep –

with focus on ADF Civilians and families


Paul Robson (bio 2025)


MCF-A Members’ Rep –

with focus on ADF Members and families

Mr (MAJ -Ret’d) Geoffrey (Geoff) Robertson MCF-A Members’ Rep –

with focus on ADF Veterans and families

MCF-A Staff

Mrs Julie Jaensch MCF-A National Administrator/Staff Worker

Ministry Support

Dr Daniel Solomon MCF-A Prayer Coordinator
Mr David Coleman Crossfire Magazine Editor


Currently vacant

To nominate contact [email protected]




MCF-A Deployment Coordinator
Currently vacant – contact [email protected] to nominate Support to Chaplain Rep






MAJ- Reserves

Tracey Thomas


currently vacant – contact [email protected] for info or to nominate



Catherine (Cath) Neuhaus

Support to Member Reps with focus on –

ADF Civilians and families


ADF Veterans and families




Assistant Treasurer and ADF Members and families

  Mr Paul Sheehan Special Projects
Mr Jono Thow Webmaster

If you would like to get in contact with one of the council members, look us up on the DRN Corporate Directory or contact the MCF Office [email protected]